2. Networking
Basic tools:
ip address
ip addr
ip a
ip addr show lo
ip route
ip r
ping -c 3
dig linuxcommand.org
dig linuxcommand.org +short
ping -c 3 linuxcommand.org
traceroute linuxcommand.org
tracepath linuxcommand.org
For downloading files we can use
:wget http://linuxcommand.org/index.php
less index.php
wget -O index.html 'http://linuxcommand.org/index.php'
less index.html
curl http://linuxcommand.org/index.php
curl http://linuxcommand.org/index.php > index.html
Netcat is a simple tool for network communication.
Let's use it to listen to the port
:nc -l 12345
Open another terminal and connect to the same port like this:
nc localhost 12345 # on the second terminal
Now, any line that you type here is sent and displayed to the other terminal:
Hello network
The quick brown fox jumped over the internet
Check the other terminal.
Interrupt them with
.This may not seem very impressive, but instead of
we could have used a real server name or IP and connect to it remotely. It may be used to check that the TCP port12345
on the server is accessible from the client (in case that there is a firewall, for example).For checking a UDP port we can add the option
to both of these commands.It can also be used as a simple tool for file transfer:
nc -l 12345 > file.txt # on the first terminal
nc -w 3 localhost 12345 < /etc/passwd # on the second terminal
ls file.txt # on the first terminal
cat file.txt # on the first terminal
As another example, let's combine it with
to transfer a whole directory:mkdir cptest
cd cptest
nc -l 12345 | tar xzpf -
Switch to the second terminal.
cd testdir
lstar czpf - . | nc -w 3 localhost 12345
Switch to the first terminal.
cd ..
rm -rf cptest