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More Examples

Usually the scripts of the containers are kept in git repositories, not in a local directory (like /var/test/ that we have used so far). Let's try some of the simple scripts that are located at

1. Get the scripts

Let's try to build a debian container. We can get the scripts for the container with the command ds pull:

ds pull debian
ls /opt/docker-scripts/debian/

As you can see from the output, ds pull is basically a git clone of to the directory /opt/docker-scripts/. The command ds (without arguments) shows some information about the general configuration and setup of docker-scripts:


The environment variable DSDIR tells DS where to look for configurations. It loads $DSDIR/, which contains these settings:

  • REPO -- the base URL for the script repos

  • SCRIPTS -- the default directory where the scripts are saved

  • CONTAINERS -- the default directory where the containers are created

These can be customized if needed, but usually the defaults are OK.

Let's have a look at the scripts that we just downloaded:

cd /opt/docker-scripts/debian/
nano Dockerfile
nano cmd/
nano inject/

2. Initialize a directory for the container

ds init debian @server1

Because the directory of the container (@server1) does not start with ./ or ../ or /, it is interpreted as a subdirectory of $CONTAINERS, which is set on ~/.ds/ and has as default value /var/ds/.

cd /var/ds/server1/

So, initialization just copies on the directory of the container and sets some values for IMAGE and CONTAINER. The default value for IMAGE is the name of the scripts' directory, and the default value for CONTAINER is the name of the container's directory. You may change them if you wish, but the default values are usually OK.

3. Build and test the container

ds make

Besides starting the container, it also runs any configuration or setup scripts.


Docker uses cached layers of images and sometimes they may be stale and create some problems. To build the image from scratch (ignoring any caches) and then start the container do:

ds build --no-cache
ds make
ssh -p 2201 -i sshkey root@localhost

The port 2201 on the localhost is forwarded to the port 22 of the container, so we end up inside the container. With this key we can also login to the container remotely (from outside the server):

ssh -p 2201 -i sshkey

Isn't it a bit strange that you did not have to open the port 2201 on the firewall, in order to access it? As a matter of fact, Docker bypasses the firewall, by default. So, any port that you forward from the host to a container is immediately open and available to the whole world, regardless of the firewall on your host. Keep this in mind and be careful.

4. Build another container

ds init debian @server2
cd /var/ds/server2/

Let's modify the forwarded port, so that it does not conflict with the port that is forwarded to the other container:

ds make
ssh -p 2202 -i sshkey root@localhost

5. Build an ubuntu container

The scripts for a simple ubuntu container are almost identical to those for a simple debian container, except that the Dockerfile has the line include(noble) instead of include(bookworm).

  1. Get the scripts:

    ds pull ubuntu
  2. Initialize a container directory:

    ds init ubuntu @server3
  3. Change the port on

    cd /var/ds/server3/
    sed -i \
    -e '/PORTS=/ c PORTS="2203:22"'
  4. Build the container:

    ds make
  5. Test it:

    ssh -p 2203 -i sshkey root@localhost
    cat /etc/os-release

6. Build other containers

6.1 Use a branch of the scripts

The command ds pull can also have a branch argument:

ds pull

Let's use the branch bullseye of the scripts' repo this time.

  1. Get the scripts:

    ds pull debian bullseye
  2. Initialize the container:

    ds init debian-bullseye @server4
  3. Customize

    cd /var/ds/server4/
    sed -i \
    -e '/PORTS=/ c PORTS="2204:22"'
  4. Build the container:

    ds make
  5. Test it:

    ssh -p 2204 -i sshkey root@localhost ls
    ssh -p 2204 -i sshkey root@localhost cat /etc/os-release

6.2 Get the scripts with git clone

This time let's get the scripts with git clone instead of ds pull.

  1. Get the branch jammy of the ubuntu repo:

    git clone -b jammy \ \
  2. Initialize the container:

    ds init test/jammy @server5
  3. Customize

    cd /var/ds/server5/
    sed -i \
    -e '/PORTS=/ c PORTS="2205:22"'
  4. Build the container:

    ds make
  5. Test it:

    ssh -p 2205 -i sshkey root@localhost ls
    ssh -p 2205 -i sshkey root@localhost \
    cat /etc/os-release

7. Clean up

Let's remove all the test containers:

echo /var/ds/server[1-5]

for dir in /var/ds/server[1-5]; do
cd $dir
ds remove

rm -rf /var/ds/server[1-5]

cd /opt/docker-scripts/
rm -rf debian debian-bullseye test ubuntu

docker system prune